Insights from Dr. Horacio Arruda: Health in All Policies for Effective Healthy Public Policy and Cross-Sectoral Collaboration
Watch these video clips featuring Dr. Horacio Arruda, Assistant Deputy Minister for the Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services and the GNHiAP Chairperson, discussing three crucial topics regarding Health in All Policies (HiAP):
- Why should policy makers be interested in social determinants?
- In light of Québec’s experience, what is your advice for moving from commitment to action regarding HiAP?
- How could HiAP approaches contribute to the agendas of other sectors?
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These videos are part of a broader series produced by the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP), featuring public health practitioners from various organizations and regions across Canada, all members of the Canadian Network for Health in All Policies, showcasing their insights. This bilingual network created in 2022 through a collaboration between the NCCHPP and the Public Health Agency of Canada aims to facilitate the adoption and implementation of HiAP approaches in Canada through knowledge mobilization. To learn more about this initiative, click here.