To become a member of the GNHiAP, you must fill out a Membership request form.

Before completing this form, please take a moment to read the following GNHiAP members

Role and Responsibilities

a) Commitment to use HiAP approach to achieve SDGs
b) Contribution of in-kind or financial resources to support the work of the network

Term of Service

The term of service is 3 years. Membership is automatically renewed at the end of the term.

Criteria for becoming a member

a) The distribution for the members’ various affiliations needs to be: 50% from governments; 20% from academia; 15% from civil society organizations; and 15% from United Nations agencies;
b) Institutions from both health and non-health sectors are welcome;
c) Potential members need to be willing to actively participate as a member;
d) Potential members need to demonstrate strong interest in or possess experience with HiAP.